Arrival: Students will arrive at 7:40 AM.
Anytime after 8:00 AM. will result in a late slip. It is important for your child to come to school on time as they have responsibilities when they arrive at school, especially those who are safeties. Upon receiving three late slips, it is the policy of the school that a student will receive a blue slip.
Dismissal: Students will dismiss at 2:40 PM. If your child is going home a different way than usual, you must send in a note or call the office to let them know. Your child will be sent home the way they normally go unless we have been notified. Please contact the office and myself so that we are made aware.
Homework: Your child will usually receive daily homework which will be written in his/her planner, it is your child's responsibility to write down their homework and complete it. Please check your child’s planner every day to help remind them what they need to complete. Homework will be considered a grade for both being completed and being done well. I'm not necessarily looking for correct answers, as I am for students to be writing neatly in cursive and giving their best effort.
Reading is considered homework. Completion is vital to your child's success because it practices key skills that require mastery. It also teaches your child responsibility.
*** Your child will be required to finish any incomplete homework at recess time and they will receive a yellow slip. If the child misses three homework assignments, he/she will receive a detention.***
Your child’s folder and daily planner are an important way to communicate between home and school. This needs to be in their backpack every day. Both the folder and planner should be checked daily for homework, notes, papers from the office, etc.
Notes or money to be returned to the school should be placed in your child’s folder with their name written on the envelope.
Every other Friday, students will be sent home with a folder of their graded assignments throughout the week. Please sign the inside of their folders to show that you have seen their work. Work does not need to be returned to me unless otherwise stated.
Communication: Sending a message through Class Dojo is the quickest and easiest way to communicate with me. If you have a lengthy question or comment, email me at [email protected].
Discipline: Throughout the year, the behavior management system may change. At the beginning of the year, I will use a chart that your child can move up and down on all day. Each day, your child will start on green and move up or down , according to behaviors demonstrated in class.
This year I would like to start a class bank. Your child will earn "money" for good choices and behavior. They will be able to buy things from the class store. More information to come in upcoming months.As far as communication home goes, you can email me or send a message in class dojo. Everyone makes mistakes and forgets themselves. Learning appropriate behavior is a process, just like learning academics. I will give your child three chances to change their behavior in the classroom before I get you involved. If there is a chronic behavior issue (the same behavior happening over and over again), I will ask for your help. Any severe behavior issues will be dealt with in the office, only after all other options have been considered.
School Supplies: 1 pack of highlighters, 3 rolls of paper towels, 3 packs of #2 sharpened pencils, 2 containers of Clorox wipes, 1 pair blunt scissors, 3 large box of tissues,
1 12 inch ruler,1 box 12 thin markers, 1 box of 24 crayons, 1 box of 12 or larger colored pencils, 1 pack of black or blue pens, 2 red pens, 5 packs of 3x5 index cards, 2 packs of post it notes, 5 folders ( red, blue, yellow, green, purple), 1 ( 2 subject ) spiral notebook, 1 pair of headphones ( no airpods or beats )
*****items may need to be replenished throughout the year
Uniform: Your child is required to wear a uniform as stated in the student handbook. Even though parts of the uniform may seem insignificant like socks or a belt, children need to follow every aspect of the uniform guideline. The goal is to teach your child to practice good habits so that when they are older it becomes second nature. I have children self-check their uniforms in the morning. If they are missing part of their uniform or if it is incorrect, I send home a white form explaining what needs to be corrected.
Snacks: Your child can bring a small healthy snack for the morning. You can send a healthy snack (fruit, veggies, pretzels, cheese, crackers, etc.) . If you would like to send in a class snack, please let me know prior to sending in with your child.
Google Classroom: All students are required to sign up for Google Classroom. In the event that the school goes virtual this year, Class Dojo and Google Classroom will be primary tools for communication and assignments. Students will practice with Google Classroom early in the year.
Birthdays: If you would like to send something in with your child to celebrate their birthday, please let me know in advance. We can discuss what you have in mind. I don't have a problem with cupcakes or small ice cream cups, healthy snacks or a small prize such as pencils, erasers, or a book to be donated to the classroom library.
Progress: To ensure each child's success, I monitor and evaluate their progress to ensure that their needs are being met throughout the year. In order to communicate a child's progress, progress reports and report cards come out three times a year.
I conference with every parent after the first report card in November. For the next two report cards, conferences are made as needed. If there is a significant problem, I will communicate with you right away. Please feel free to contact me at any time to discuss your child's progress.
Thank you for all that you do! Please feel free to contact me with any questions.